Herbal Candy Development 应用

心靈觉醒 0.0.1
你有否想過,我們除了身體、心智以外,其實還有心靈(靈性),要生活得輕鬆自在,其實缺一不可。到底什麼是新時代概念?新時代,新紀元,就連神都要重新定義?你有否遇過一個神,與你一起談生活的惱人問題、談政治、談貨幣、談婚姻、談財富......總之,天南地北,無所不談。一直以來,神的形象都被描寫為具人性化及人像化,有情緒、有批判、甚至需要我們的崇拜,這些觀點合理嗎?對我們有正面作用嗎?Have you thought about,in addition to our physical, mental, spiritual fact, there is(spiritual), to live comfortably, in fact indispensable.In the end what is the concept of a new era?New era, new era, even God must be redefined? Have you ever comeacross a God, talk about the annoying problem of living with you,talk about politics, about money, about marriage, about wealth...... In short, different places, talk about anything.All along, the image of God have been described as a humane andportrait-oriented, there are emotions, there is criticism, or evenneed our worship, these rational point of view? We have a positiveeffect on it?
大馬(馬來西亞)美食食谱-糕點 0.0.3
大馬美食食谱-月子料理 0.0.3
超赞!超过40种月子料理,做足40天月子享用不同美食。。。只有月子餐是月子妈妈的暂时美好时光!又能补身子又能享用美食,记得要分享给身边朋友家人哦!-鸡精蒸红枣鸡-猪脚醋汤-醉鸡卷 Drunken Chicken Rolls-煲豬腳薑的獨家秘方-簡便醉雞-鸡精蒸鸡-当归蒸鸡-红枣乌鸡汤-客家盐酒浸鸡-客家娘酒鸡-姜酒咸鸡-葡萄酒鸡-黃酒雞-乾蒸花雕雞-当归黃酒鸡-简易药材蒸鸡-姜蓉蒸鸡-当归盐焗鸡-鸡精蒸田鸡-当归盐焗鸡-虫草花蒸鸡-客家老黄酒煮鸡-麻油雞 Sesame Oil Chicken Soup-桂圓黑棗麻油雞-廣府鸡酒-清蒸白鲳鱼-蒜茸蒸三文鱼-照烧三文鱼 Teriyaki Salmon-鸡汁芙蓉豆腐蒸鱼片-蒜味柠檬三文鱼-酒蒸鲑鱼 《纸包鱼片 》-麻油腰花面线-麻油鸡面线 Mee Suah in Sesame Oil Chicken Soup-麻油姜煎面线-姜丝麻油蒸白鲳米粉-枸杞蒸豬肝-菠菜豬肝湯-鮮魚味噌湯-黑糖当归蛋-红糖生姜汤
经典儿童故事-小馬過河 1.0
兒童故事書-小馬過河经典儿童故事《小马过河》让宝宝们懂得遇事要多观察、多动脑筋、勇于尝试,从实践中去寻求问题的答案,发展宝宝们初步的比较分析能力与口语表达能力。家长可以根据故事内容问问宝宝;小马要过河,老牛是怎么说的?松鼠是怎么说的?妈妈又是怎么说的?为什么老牛说水才没膝盖呀?而松鼠却说她的伙伴被淹死了。它们说得对吗?他们有什么不同呀?最后小马是怎么做的?也可以结合实际,让宝宝懂得小马过河的道理,了解遇到困难应该怎么做。Children's story book -XiaomaguoheClassic children's story "Xiaomaguohe" Let babies know failing toobserve, more brains, the courage to try, from practice to seekanswers to questions, the development of babies preliminarycomparative analysis ability and oral communication skills. Parentscan ask the baby according to stories; pony to cross the river, thecow is how to say? The squirrel is how to say? Mom is how to say?Why did not the knee water buffaloes say to you? And the squirrelsaid her partner was drowned. They right? What are their differentway? The last colt is how to do it? Can also be combined withpractical, let your baby know Xiaomaguohe reason, difficultiesshould understand how to do it.
與神對話MP3 影音 0.0.1
與神對話之新啟示-,今日之神 Part One《重新定義神》,今日之神 PartTwo《走出靈性文盲》MP3 影音The new revelation ofConversations With God - today, God Part One "redefined God," God,today's Part Two "out of the spiritual illiterate"MP3 audio
Big Orange Free ePaper 1.2
Big Orange - Free Chinese BusinessWeeklyBIG ORANGE stands out from other Chinese Media by projecting aprofessional and upbeat image with its eye-catching full-colourlayouts. Presented in a business-like, edgy and easy to readformat, it combines business and management reporting with amagazinestylelayout in tabloid size newspaper. With its contents ofcurrent business issues, economic, financeand lifestyle features,BIG ORANGE covers a unique blend of the hottest business topicsthat businessmen, professionals and managers areinterestedin.With the distribution of more than 50,000 copies, BIG ORANGE isdistributed for FREE on every Monday to the Chinese populatedcommercial areas like Kuala Lumpur centre, Petaling Jaya,Damansara,TTDI, Puchong, Subang, Cheras, Serdang, Kepong andetc.Being the 1st CHINESE BUSINESS FREE NEWSPAPER in the country andwith its large comprehensive coverage in the Chinese businesscommunities, BIG ORANGE offers you an affordable way to reach yourtarget markets.*This is not original big Orange media apps
酱料食谱 0.0.2
酱料食谱五香辣椒油,超级香的四川辣椒,风味辣椒,自制无敌黑胡椒酱,简易xo酱,参巴辣椒酱,泰式绿咖喱酱,叁巴江鱼仔辣椒(椰浆饭),老妈子獨制健康辣椒酱,青酱【意式Pesto】,自制意大利蕃茄酱,萬用自制番茄醬,虾米辣椒Dried ShrimpChili,泰式辣椒酱,香脆虾米辣椒,寿司醋调法,自制油泼辣椒酱,自制美奶滋HomemadeMayonnaise,XO酱,自制披萨醬 HomemadePizzaSauce,花生酱,太妃酱,肉汁沾醬,蔓越莓沾醬,香橙檸檬醬,五香蔥汁醬,蒜香奇異醬,鳳梨蔥燒醬
Raw Food Vegan- Smoothies 0.0.4
Next, the proper raw diet eliminates constipation, and the transittime of waste matter shortens to 24 hours or less, avoiding thebuildup of toxemia from the recycling of toxins from the colon.Most people on the standard American diet experience transit timesof 72 hours or more during which time their food ferments andputrefies. The resulting foul gas and unpleasant smelling feceshighlights the fact of fermentation and putrefaction taking placein the colon. This app have 30 smoothies recipes: -Watermelon Zing-Green Smoothie with Mint and Turmeric -Vanilla Smoothie Bowl withDark Chocolate and (a lot of) Fresh Blueberries -Matcha ChocolateShake -Oatmeal Cookie Dough Breakfast Smoothie with Turmeric Boost-Mango-Banana and Blueberry-Coconut DREAM -DIY Superfood Powder-Flat Belly Detox Smoothie -Raspberry Acai Smoothie Bowl -RawBanoffee MylkShake -Chocolate Caramel Candy Bar Smoothie-Strawberry “Mojito” Slushie -Anti-Inflammatory Berry, Watermelon,and Ginger Smoothie -Beaming Acai Protein Smoothie -Raspberry RoseSmoothie -The Green Grapefruit Smoothie -Matcha Mint Pudding-Salted Chocolate Protein Smoothie Bowl And more... If you lookingfor raw food diet, this is the app you must have
Raw Food Vegan - Salad 0.0.2
Raw food will have higher contents ofintactenzymes, acids and proteins as chemistry dictates thesefragilenutrients denature during extreme conditions andtemperatures ofcooking.Raw vegans must ensure that their intake of vitamin B12isadequate, since it does not occur reliably in plantfoods.VitaminB12 deficiency can have serious consequences such asanemia andneurodegenerative disease.The Vegan Society and VeganOutreach,among others, recommend that vegans either consistentlyeat foodsfortified with B12 or take a B12 supplement.Tempeh,seaweed,spirulina, organic produce, soil, and intestinal bacteriahave notbeen shown to be reliable sources of B12 for the dietaryneeds ofvegans.This app have 30 salad recipes:-Strawberry Cress Salad-Festive Pomegranate Slaw-Rainbow Veggie Salad-Green Salad with Creamy Turmeric Dressing-Beta Salad-Kelp Noodle Sea Salad with Wasabi Miso Dressing-Cool Cucumber Salad-Colorful Arugula Salad-Pickled Cucumber Salad with Peas and Fresh Dill-Raw Spicy Zoodle Bowl-Cucumber, Avocado & Peach Salad-Gastrawnomica’s Avocado-Hemp Salad (Protein rich!)-Mediterranean Salad with Summer Sauce Dressing-Basil Cucumber Salad-Massaged Kale Salad with Lemon Tahini Dressing-Gastrawnomica’s Raw Vegan Heart of Palm & Jicama Ceviche-Spring Green Kale Salad-Blueberry Mango Salad with Ginger Tahini Dressing-Miso Mango Red Cabbage Salad-Raw Tuna Salad-Raw Rainbow Goji Salad-Raw Vegan Caesar Dressing-Raw Yam, Apple and Kale Salad-Shaved Seasonal Vegetables with Mango and TamarindLimeDressing-Thai Curry Carrot Salad-Kohlrabi Apple Pecan Slaw-Strawberry Pistachio Salad and Sugar Free Dressing-Green Goddess Soup with Kale and Avocado Salad-Lychee, Avocado, Mint & Lime Salad-Late Summer Garden Salad
華人新年年菜食譜 0.0.2
華人新年年菜食譜,祝福每個都笑哈哈。。。。Chinese New Year'sdinnerrecipe, blessing each laughingly. . . .
汤圆食譜 0.0.2
美食食譜-糖水美食 0.0.2
素食食谱 0.0.2
食谱如下:素斋鹅,素咖哩鸡 Vegetarian ChickenCurry,素羊肉咖哩Vegetarian Mutton Curry,潮州光煎,臭豆茄子糙米饭,豌豆饭,夏季養生粥─解暑絲瓜黑木耳粥,豆腐番茄湯,涼拌黃瓜,嫩南瓜炒香乾,尖椒豆腐釀,通菜梗炒玉米,西蘭花燒豆腐,茄子燒豆角,黃豆芽炒五香豆腐乾,蜜汁蓮藕,番茄豆腐湯,宫爆藕丁,竹蔗茅 根 水,果 味 養 生 紅 茶,乾 鍋 酸 辣 鮑 菇 片,金 瓜 焗 杏 鮑 菇,烤 披 薩 茄 子,油 燜 春 筍,甜 椒玉米 菜 飯,泡 菜 豆 腐 湯,薏苡仁山藥粥,竹 蓀 扒 蘆 筍,泡 椒 拌 豇 豆,海 南 齋 菜 煲
Vege FlashCard Eng Mandarin 1.0
This is english -mandarin vegetablesflashcardsuitable for kid under 4
Resipi Malaysia 0.0.2
RESIPI AYAM========================================================================Ayam adalah salah satu hidangan popular di Malaysia Buku inimenyingkap pelbagai resipi ayam yang selalu dimasak di rumah ataudihidangkan di restoran atau gerai. Melalui app ini, surirumah danremaja berpeluang untuk memasak pelbagai jenis masakan ayam yangpopular dan diminati ramaiDaripada resipi ayam goreng yang mudah sehinggalah ke resipi yangdipengaruhioleh masyarakat Cina atau India. Terdapat juga resipi ala Siamseperti padprik. resipi fusion seperti Ayam Mentega Keju dan alaBarat seperti Ayam Kiev dan Chicken Chop. Semuanya amat ringkas dancepat.Ayam boleh dimasak dengan pelbagai cara. ia boleh direbus denganrempah ratus, digoreng dengan bahan perapan yang harum dan enakatau dimasak bersama santan. Bagi masyarakat Melayu dan India,amatlah sinonim menggunakan santan dan daun kari dalam masakanayam. Karl ayam boleh disediakan dengan banyak cara, sehinggakankita mungkin tidak percaya. Sementara kaum Cina lebih gemarkan ayamyang dibuat sup atau dipanggang dan dimasak dengan kuah pekatdengan campuran taucu, sos hoisin, sos tiram dan lain-lain.Terdapat juga resipi ayam yang sesuai untuk majlis keramaianseperti rendang atau Ayam Masak Merah. Meskipun membuatnyamengambil sedikit masa, namun hasilnya pasti tidak mengecewakan.Pendek kata, 25 resipi ayam yang dimuatkan di dalam app ini amatlahsesuai untuk selera semua.RESIPI IKAN=============================================================================Resipi-resipi ikan di dalam app ini merangkumi kaedah memasak yangpelbagai cara. ikan dimasak Singgang, pindang, percik, gulai, masammanis dan lain-lain. ikan amat mudah masak dan agak "versatile"kerana ia sesuai digandingkan dengan bahan-bahan lain dalammasakan. Contohnya, dimasak dengan nanas, timun, cili Benggala dansebagainya.Sesetengah resipi ikan di dalam app ini turut dipengaruhi olehmasakan Thai-Kelantan seperti ikan tiga rasa, ikan goreng tepungdan Ikan masam manis. Masakan ikan yang popular seperti ikan bakarPortugis dan asam pedas juga ada. Banyak resipi kegemaran ramaiboleh dicuba, berpandukan app ini.RESIPI SAMBAL=================================================sambal adalah pelengkap hidangan. Sambal berupayamenaikkan selerapemakan kerana ia mempunyai elemen pedas, mats, masam dan mesin.Pedas daripada cili merah dan cili padi, manis daripada gula pasiratau gula merah/Melaka, masam daripada jus limau nipis/kasturi atauasam iawa dan masin daripada garam atau cincalok dan budu.Sambal mentah (tidak perlu dimasak) selalunya disajikan denganulam-ulama. buah/putik dan lain-lain. Selain itu, ayam, daging atauikan bakar. Antara bahan utama bagi sambal mentah adalah belacanyang perlu dibakar atau digoreng mtuk menerbitkan aroma.Manakala sambal yang dimasak pula menggunakan pes cili sebagaibahan utama selain bawang dan sebagainya. Pes cili yang baikdihasilkan daripada ciii ke'mg yang direndam atau direbus sehinggalembut. Paling penting. bwnbu sambal hendaklah ditumis sehinggaterbit minyak sebelum dicampur dengan bahan-bahan lain.CHICKEN rECIPE========================================================================Chicken is one of the popular dishes in this book uncovers variouschicken recipes always cooked at home or served in restaurants orstores. Through this app, housewives and young people have theopportunity to cook a variety of chicken dishes are popular and indemand manyInstead of fried chicken recipes easy recipes that are affecteduntilby the Chinese or Indian. There are also recipes like Thai padprik.fusion recipes like Chicken Butter Cheese and Western like ChickenKiev and Chicken Chop. Everything is very simple and fast.Chicken can be cooked in various ways. it can be boiled withspices, fried in a marinade fragrant and delicious cooked withcoconut milk. For the Malays and Indians, it is synonymous withcoconut milk and curry leaves in chicken dishes. Karl chicken canbe prepared in many ways, so much so that we might not trust. Whilethe Chinese prefer chicken soup made or baked and cooked with gravythickens with mixed bean paste, hoisin sauce, oyster sauce andothers.There are also chicken recipes that are suitable for largegatherings such as shady or Ayam Masak Merah. Although make takesome time, but the results certainly did not disappoint. In short,25 chicken recipes that are included in this app is very suitablefor all tastes.FISH RECIPES=============================================================================Fish recipes in this app include methods for cooking a variety ofways. Tache fish cooked, boiled, splash, curry, sweet and sour andothers. very easy fish to cook and quite "versatile" because itsuits paired with other ingredients in cooking. For example, cookedwith pineapple, cucumber, chilli Bengal and so on.Some fish recipes in this app is also influenced by theThai-Kelantan three flavors such as fish, fried fish and sweet andsour fish. The popular fish dishes such as grilled fish and spicysour Portuguese also available. Many favorite recipes can besampled many, guided by this app.chili recipe=================================================sambal is complementary dishes. Berupayamenaikkan chili eatersappetite because it has a spicy element, mats, sour and machines.Spicy red chilli and chilli, sweet than sugar or brown sugar /Melaka, sour from the lime juice / musk or sour and salty air ofthe salt or cincalok and pickled.Raw sauce (do not need to be cooked) often served withfish-scholars. fruit / bud and others. In addition, chicken, meator grilled fish. Among the main ingredient for raw sauce is lovelyto be baked or fried tuk publish aroma.While the sauce is cooked with chili paste as the main ingredientother than onions and so on. Good chili paste produced from ciiike'mg soaked or boiled until soft. The most important. bwnbu chilioil should be fried until sunrise before being mixed with othersubstances.
50个马来西亚美食食谱:肉类 1.0.0
收藏了50款大马妈妈,或家庭煮妇的美味食谱 50个食谱让你选,一天一个,你可以为你的家人煮一餐美味佳肴。里面除了家常便饭外,还有一些比较特别的菜肴。 绝对可以让你的家人吃的渐渐有味。孩纸每个都把饭吃完和加饭。下载这个app你可以放心和很快的煮出古早味的大马大菜和家庭饭菜。
大馬(马来西亚)美食食谱-湯类 0.0.3
Malaysia Chinese Home Cook Recipes - Steam Style
Delicious Easy To Make Malaysia Recipes, your dailycuisineselection made easy
德国葡萄酒大全(黑皮诺、灰皮诺、白皮诺) 3.0.0
This app helps wine lovers learn more about wine -- fromtheearliest years before 2000 to the present
Malaysian Soup Recipe 2.0.0
Malaysian family cooks must learn the soup recipe!
80款素食食谱:冷盘 1.0.0
80 vegetarian recipes if you are vegetarian. This app allows youtolearn how to make vegetarian cold cuts.